In addition to supporting worthwhile Rotary International organizations and projects (i.e., worldwide eradication of polio), the Galveston Island Rotary Club enthusiastically supports local worthwhile organizations and projects. We support larger project as well as smaller ones. Examples? We purchased a van for a local organization, and we just presented a check for $1000 to the Galveston Island Meals on Wheels.
However, we typically do not support organizations’ fund-raising events such as golf tournaments. We prefer to directly fund a particular project.
So if you’re the Executive Director or President of a local tax-exempt organization and need funding for a project that you think we might help fund, please download and complete the form on the left. Then scan the completed form and email it to info@islandrotary.com. Your application will be forwarded to the appropriate committee where it will be considered.
“Service above Self.”