With “Service Above Self ”in mind, our Club supports fund raising events to support a variety of local organizations. We currently have three primary areas in which we focus our efforts. First is Galveston Meals on Wheels, which provides daily well-balanced, nutritious meals to Galveston citizens who are unable to prepare or secure meals for themselves as well as offering daily interaction with those served through visits of the volunteers who deliver the meals. Our second area of focus are youth-based programs, including sponsoring an INTERACT club, which brings together young people ages 12-18 to develop leadership skills while discovering the power of Service Above Self. Our Club also sponsors students to attend the Rotary Youth Leadership Academy (RYLA) which is an intensive leadership experience organized by Rotary clubs and districts where young people develop leadership skills while having fun and making connections. Lastly our Club supports an international project in Kenya, Africa. Segera Mission which provides critical services in healthcare, education and community development in one of the most challenged areas in Africa in order to create sustainable, self supporting communities
In addition to the community support our Club provides, we also annually award 5 “Spotlight Grants”, which are available to organizations in our community which our membership have identified as needing and deserving financial support. For 2024-2025 we are providing grants to CASA, Advocacy Center for Children, Galveston Urban Ministries, Surfrider Foundation and Lutheran! Youth Orchestra.
Lastly, our Club also promotes and series of service projects each year. These include assisting Meals on Wheels delivering each Tuesday, Salvation Army Christmas Bell Ringing and supporting Galveston College Baseball and Softball teams during a double header home game by providing a “between games” meal.
Ours is a dynamic and diverse club comprised of leaders from all walks of life who appreciate the Rotary mission. We invite Rotarians from around the world and non-Rotarian professionals interested in finding out more about the mission and experience of Rotary to join us for lunch on Tuesdays at the famous San Luis Resort and Conference Center located on the Sea Wall overlooking the beautiful Gulf of Mexico.
“You will not be remembered for what you have but for what you give”. Consider joining our club in our effort to give back to our community and to the world.